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Christmas Newsletter 2021

A Year in Review
Paddy Donnelly, Chairman Board of Directors
Dear Member
As we enter into the final weeks of 2021, we mark a year where we continued to live as a nation with the challenges of COVID, a year of “new normal”. A year where we all worked hard to protect one another, to support one another and stay connected.
In 2021, Dundalk Credit Union grew in number and partnership. We welcomed new youth development partners, Dundalk Credit Union School Boys League and Louth School Girls League. Both sporting organisations are integral to our wider community, showing our young boys and girls that they can see it and be it, with drive and focus comes success.
In the summer, we extended a warm Co Louth fáilte to our newest members from the former Inniskeen Credit Union. This transfer of engagement now extends the services available at Dundalk Credit Union into a wider hinterland.
In September, our Financial Wellbeing Schools Programme continued its rollout in secondary schools across Co Louth, creating valuable life skills for our students as they plan for their education and careers. Our Peer Education Programme continues to equip our secondary schools’ students with sound decision-making skills around substance abuse, bullying and maintaining positive mental health.
In September 2021, DkIT and Louth LGFA launched a new scholarship programme, co-funded by Dundalk Credit Union and DkIT. The programme provides scholarships to a number of Louth LGFA minor and senior players pursuing a third level qualification in DkIT.
In October 2021, Dundalk Credit Union showed its support for the vital role FASN plays within our community by becoming the primary sponsor of their fundraising 5k Family & Fun Run. Even with the restrictions of Covid, the event proved to be a huge community show of support for FASN and the families it cares for.
In November 2021, in partnership with Dundalk Lions Club, we installed lifesaving paediatric and adult cardiac defibrillators in three locations across Dundalk. The team at Exel Signs and ISEP Limited provided all the design and installation services throughout and were a tremendous support. Training was also provided to a number of volunteers. We would like to thank the business owners at Maxol on Avenue Road, Applegreen on Carrick Road and Londis on Quay Street.
In December, we recognised the amazing work of the team at Turas Counselling Services with a donation towards their ongoing operational costs. Turas offers individuals a tailored pathway towards personal recovery from drugs and alcohol by providing a confidential and non-judgmental service for individuals and their families across our wider community.
In tandem with all our efforts to stay connected and strengthen through our collective community network, we have also laid down ambitious plans for our Credit Union for the next five years. Strategy 2025 is built on four pillars of growth, each one underpinning our focus to grow together, stay together, be sustainable together and learn together.
Finally, I would like to extend warm wishes for the coming Christmas season and look forward to bright days ahead in 2022.

AGM Plans
Billy Doyle, CEO
Dear Member
I hope that this newsletter finds you and your family safe and well.
In line with Government health and safety guidelines and, in accordance with Central Bank regulations, we will once again host our AGM 2021 virtually. This year’s AGM will take place on Wednesday, 26th January 2022 at 7 pm. Registration for our Online AGM 2021 will open on January 5th, 2022, with next steps details available to members upon registration.
In the meantime, we hope that this newsletter will serve to keep us connected whilst staying safely apart. This year continued to test us as a community and as a nation, however, through challenge, we can see our true strength. Let’s hope these difficult times lead to better days ahead.
On behalf of the board, management, and staff at Dundalk Credit Union, I would like to extend my thanks to all our members for their continued support of the Credit Union and I’d like to wish each and everyone a peaceful and Happy Christmas. Nollaig shona agus Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh.

Strategy 2025
A Call to Action for Our Shared Future
Dundalk Credit Union’s purpose as a member-owned financial co-operative is to empower our members to improve their own, their families, their fellow members’ financial wellbeing, and the sustainability of the wider community. Strategy 2025 sets out an ambitious plan for our collective journey over the next few years – a journey that combines sustainability, a digital roadmap, and a drive to strengthen and connect our community through partnership, collaboration, and solidarity.
Four Member Enabled Pillars of Strategy 2025
Delivering a Resilient Credit Union Business Model with Members
By ensuring we have a resilient business model, Dundalk Credit Union will remain financially strong and sustainable for the years ahead. This strength means we can quickly respond and adapt to changes, challenges, and opportunities that arise whilst, continuously improving our business to provide the platform for future growth. Our growth engine is lending to our members. Our resilience provides the financial strength which will allow us to provide the platforms and range of products and services that reflect member requirements into the future.
Providing Lifetime Value for Members
By listening to and responding to our members and non-members, and recognizing their changing needs, we will deliver a suite of responsive products, supports, services and engagement channels that allows Dundalk Credit Union to remain as a lifetime trusted financial partner of choice for new and existing members, young and old.
Empowering Members to Support Community & Environmental Sustainability
We recognise and are proud of the role Dundalk Credit Union plays within our community. Through existing and planned connections, networks, and platforms, Dundalk Credit Union will continue to strengthen and support a spirit of inclusion, diversity, sustainability & solidarity. This will ensure a community, local economy, and environment that people feel part of, engaged with, and committed to, creating an intergenerational bond that builds on the best of who we are.
Strengthening Financial Wellbeing for our Members & Their Families
Dundalk Credit Union will continue to grow and develop a range of financial wellbeing tools, supports, and educational programmes that will foster a sense of financial confidence for our members across all their life stages. Going forward with confidence and a sense of control that allows them and their families to fully participate in and enjoy life a little bit more.
Strategy 2025 is a call to action for our shared future to all work together, to create a better tomorrow, today!

Car & Cash 12 Days of Christmas Bonanza Draw
Did you know that in 2021, our Car & Cash Draw gave away €416,100 in prizes?
This Christmas, throughout December, we are hosting our Christmas Car & Cash Draw Bonanza for all those members who have registered for the Car Draw with €45,500 worth of prizes up for grabs in our 12 Days of Christmas Members’ Monthly Car & Cash Draw.
Are you in the draw?
To enter our Members’ Monthly Car & Cash Draw pick up an entry form in our offices or download it from – https://www.dundalkcu.ie/car-draw/
The entry fee is only €1 per week.* (T&Cs apply)

Shop Local this Christmas
Dundalk Credit Union is proud to support Dundalk Chamber’s successful Shop Local initiative once again this year.
Shop Local Gift Vouchers come in denominations of €5, €10, €20, and €50 and can be used in over 330 shops, restaurants, beauticians, businesses, and hair salons across our community.
Shop Local Vouchers are available to purchase at both our offices on Market Street & The Ramparts, Dundalk, and also in our Inniskeen office each Saturday.

Dundalk Simon Community Winter Appeal
Be a Sport & Play Your Part
Every year Dundalk Credit Union hosts a Christmas Appeal in aid of Dundalk Simon Community.
As part of our Annual Christmas Appeal, we asked some local businesses, organisations, and community partners to join us in helping those young adult men and women, who through a variety of reasons, find themselves homeless at Christmas, seeking the supports of the amazing team at Dundalk Simon Community.
We would like to that our Dundalk Simon Christmas 2021 Appeal partners – DkIT Sports & Societies, DkIT Regional Development Centre, Dundalk FC, Dundalk Fire Station, Dundalk School Boys League, HSE Staff at Fairways Vaccination Centre, Intact Software, Louth County Council, Louth Ladies GAA, Louth Leader Partnership, Louth School Girls League, National Pen, Prometric and all the staff here at Dundalk Credit Union.
Our Green Promise
Help protect our planet by signing up for paperless communications
We are very grateful to the huge number of members who have opted to receive their AGM Report 2021 by email this year. This commitment to a more sustainable way of staying connected has encouraged the team at Dundalk Credit Union to now extend this to an all-year-round request to update your communication preferences with us.
So, the next time you visit any of our offices, speak to a member of our team on the phone, why not switch to a paperless, eco-friendly way to stay in touch. Looking after our planet and the next generation.